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It’s here!  Well, it’s been available for almost a week now, but I’m still excited and relieved that the footage is off my hard drives and into the world.  I just want to thank everyone who has purchased the film for the support and patience while we brought this project to light over the last year.  It’s been quite a journey.

Return to Wild Basin (With A Discourse On Grades)

It’s been a rough week or so trying to regain some fitness, but I’ve found solace in returning to the outdoors to rekindle my motivation and maintain hope in regaining some serious loss of confidence in my climbing ability.

Pretty Pictures

Recovering from a spontaneous pneumothorax and coping with the loss of some of that youthful feeling of immortality have consumed my last week for the most part. It has not been fun, but as much as I resist it, a forced rest is probably a good thing for me. I’ve been branching out…

PCI Clinic – Tucson, AZ

Two weekends ago I took a quick trip down to Tucson, Arizona to teach a PCI Clinic at The Bloc Climbing & Fitness along with Kevin Jorgeson and Alex Johnson. The atypical amount of April snow in Boulder was starting to get me down, so it was nice to venture down to warmer climates. I was also really excited to interact with the community of climbers in Arizona and check out the city a bit.

Fontainebleau Photo Update

Last week my brother Giovanni and I boarded a plane for Paris, France for his first European climbing adventure. Having spent a lot of time expanding my global perspective over the last few years, I was eager…

An Ethical Question(s)

Blowtorching holds to dry them. This is a practice that was largely unknown to me until my trip to Sweden this last September. Here’s a little backstory. I was invited to come climb in Vastervik, Sweden for the International Boulder Meet by the Tourism Bureau.

Chasing Winter • Official Trailer

Chasing Winter is a film project that has consumed much of my life for the last 6 months.  Together with my girlfriend Mary Mecklenburg and with our good friends Paul Robinson and Alex Kahn, we traveled to South Africa for the months of June, July, and August this past year with the intent of progressing as filmmakers and climbers.

Vastervik Bouldering Movie

From my good friend Cameron Maier at Bear Cam Media comes a feature length bouldering film about our time in Vastervik, Sweden at the end of September. Great times with friends, tons of high quality boulders, and a few trips to the sauna! The trip was a blast. Check it out!

Val Bavona

After another day of coming agonizingly close to my current project in Brione yesterday and it was back to Valle Bavona today. This time in the company of Jan Hojer and his girlfriend Lulu. (I had the opportunity to meet and climb with Jan in Rocklands this past summer and I’m sure most are familiar with the incredible trip he had). My main objective was to check out Nalle’s new climb Momentum and possibly give a few tries to the Cart Project made famous by Chris Sharma in one of the Big Up’s Dosage Films.


In early October I, returned to one of my favorite climbing areas in the world. SWITZERLAND! This place is truly on another level. Scenery and rock quality are top notch. More quality lines than I will ever know what to do with.

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