Yesterday I made a solo trip to Mt. Evans to do some rock climbing. It was a bit warm for any good burns on Ode, but I did manage to link The Mirrormask SDS Project into the stand. Not sure when I’ll be able to send because I fall mainly due to complete fatigue. Could be because of lack of breathing when compressing so hard and lack of oxygen in the air at 12,000 ft. However, I’m very psyched on this boulder and will continue to give it my utmost attention until I send.
Here is a photo of me climbing on it 2 years ago (Courtesy of Steve Woods):

I also got the opportunity to hike around a bit on the cliffs above the boulders and take some nice photos.
Looking Up Canyon Past Area B
Looking Down Canyon
Tomorrow I will head out again to Mt. Evans this time with Alex, Giovanni, and Jena Lupia, a friend of ours from New Mexico. I should have a nice post up in the next day or two complete with media from the day.